Jerry of the Islands Synopsis

Jerry of the Islands: A True Dog Story by Jack London was Initially published in 1917. This is one of London’s last works. Set on the islands of Malaita, an island that is part of the Solomon Islands. The protagonist of the story is an Irish Terrier named Jerry, the brother of Micheal who stared in a different work of London, Micheal, Brother of Jerry

See also: When God Laughs, The Iron Heel, The People of the Abyss, and Martin Eden by Jack London

Jerry of the Islands: A True Dog Story Free eBook Download

Extract from the Forward

It is a misfortune to some fiction-writers that fiction and unveracity in the average person’s mind mean one and the same thing. Several years ago I published a South Sea novel. The action was placed in the Solomon Islands.

The action was praised by the critics and reviewers as a highly creditable effort of the imagination. As regards reality—they said there wasn’t any. Of course, as every one knew, kinky-haired cannibals no longer obtained on the earth’s surface, much less ran around with nothing on, chopping off one another’s heads, and, on occasion, a white man’s head as well.

Now listen. I am writing these lines in Honolulu, Hawaii. Yesterday, on the beach at Waikiki, a stranger spoke to me. He mentioned a mutual friend, Captain Kellar. When I was wrecked in the Solomons on the blackbirder, the Minota, it was Captain Kellar, master of the blackbirder, the Eugénie, who rescued me. The blacks had taken Captain Kellar’s head, the stranger told me. He knew. He had represented Captain Kellar’s mother in settling up the estate.


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