Summer Morning, Summer Night by Ray Bradbury – Free EBOOKS Dowload
Drop the spirit of summer in the sunset the last warm days. Just a little, just one SIP – and now dissolve, fading, and soon you can’t see them under the yellowed foliage. Will just have to watch carefully stored page spread calendar, leafing through the memory rushing off Sunny moments.
In the Greentown summer lingered there and get the other seasons. Residents assert that the fall is coming, but we know that’s where summer comes and reigns all year round. It is there that at any moment they may come for their own portion of happiness. To touch him, just turn the page. Endlessly kind, incredibly bright stories about the inhabitants of this little town (short stories, sometimes only a few pages) is woven from sunlight, half-forgotten dreams and childish sincerity. It’s concentrated soft.
It’s a real, pure, happiness, generously pour everyone who looks at the light. We meet new characters and smile at those familiar. We live with them many small events such insignificant on a global scale, and so a lot significant for those who they touched.
Greentown has never changed and matured because Douglas always be there boy. And the older heroes still have time to enjoy all the extraordinary beauty of life. And frustration does not become tragic. And yesterday, to make way for the new, save in dusty chests your never bored of the story.
This tiny, simple, wonderful universe of Bradbury: the realm of casual magic, the edge of happy hopes, the shelter of reviving memories. Full of aching sadness and bright joy to the world. Unique, nostalgic, warm, inviting. Isn’t he beautiful?
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