Dr. Lecter, brilliantly escaped from prison, having a great time in Florence. What’s the best way to lay low? Right, be on view. Without losing caution.

Hannibal found himself a wonderful position, enjoying the delicacies and the reading of rare texts. But he does not know that he opened a cruel hunting, and his enemy is not the agent of the FBI. Comes Mason Verger, a former patient of Lecter, which he was disfigured in a very cruel manner. Although it would be correct to say that Mason himself has made a living monster, but under the guidance of a doctor.

Sadistic and brutal killer, Mason has the most terrible weapons – money and power. This allows him to do whatever he wants to torment children and drink martinis made with tears, kill people even when he was healthy. Harris enters as if on purpose, here it is the offspring to show that evil is different.

Sorry Lecter no. He killed and ate people. He may not have helped justice when it was possible. But the two of them Mason more terrible in their actions, it causes more negative emotions. The doctor impresses their education, upbringing, mind. Harris lifts the veil of mystery, revealing the identity of the doctor and the reason for his cannibalism.

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