The book is very topical. With today’s opportunities, various spheres of activity, the number of professions a person always has a choice: what to do? I will succeed? What is important for me? The rhythms of a big city… Endless calls and messages… a Lot of information. Endless lists of things to do today, meetings, diaries. Several of the tasks that you are trying to solve in parallel. At the end of the day you realize that in fact you did nothing!!!
But exhausted and squeezed to 100%. And so…every day. What is your main goal? how much have you progressed to it over the past year? Or do you just have that to juggle other errands? In detail and with examples describe how important it is to be able to apply one thing in my life and career. To prioritize. First, to do what is important to you, and then what is urgent for others.
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