Again before us all the charisma of old Terry. It is in the loop about the watch he goes to his inimitable lead. He is not mocking the reality as witches. Not looking with sarcasm on the vanity of life’s debacles in books about Death. The guard stay. Guardian – the real Pratchett. All his essence and all his humor. The first-class. Better and never will be.
City life is hard to understand. Not all just in the metropolis. Action heroes bring delight. Here Vimes dodges another assassin, that Vetinari stayed in bed at the hands of a mysterious poison, that carrot ceded their claim to the throne Snobs, here feminized dwarf sympathizer that he was a werewolf. Unusual little trolls, little unusual appearances of Death. Absent SRBN Doctable. But Pratchett finally introduces us to the Golems, and once again reminds about the existence of vampires.
The book as a detective. It’s murder. The city guard is investigating it. From mysterious accidents revolt Guild of wizards at a loss for excuses, the Guild of assassins, a Guild of alchemists cast-taught-discoverer of new methods of investigation of crimes. Swaying of the water in the Anka. The great Golem longs for justice. He will bring his people. It needs to bring salvation. Disperse water of the river. And if you do not disperse, Anke easy to dig a move.
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